
Friday, May 16, 2008

Dilemma of a Bar Passer

I consider myself fortunate. I was able to surpass the bar exam which I barely believed I can pass. Yeah, I have doubted myself in conquering that battle.

God was so good that He shielded me from another year of moral deflation in reviewing again for a second take. He spared me from the feeling of depression and misery of hurdling again one of the most difficult licensure examinations. He showed me that miracles do happen. I passed the bar exam on first attempt and I am grateful for that.

I distrust myself last September when I took the examinations, I know in fact that I am half-baked considering that I half-paid attention to law schooling by doing it half-hearted as I teach and work full-time. My studying was less than of a part-time hobby. My dilemma then was “Will I pass the exam when I know that I am not prepared?” (at least compared to the preparations of other bar examinees who dedicated four long years just studying.)

Graduating with an LLB degree was a dilemma.
Reviewing for the bar exam was a greater dilemma.
Taking the bar exam and passing it, I thought was the greatest dilemma.

Now, I am confronted by the ultimate dilemma of all. “What to do after I passed the bar exam?”

Now, I am facing a career crisis. Worst! I am beholden not to plan for a personal career, until when? I don’t know.

Can life be easier to me? After all, it will kill me someday. I am just hopeful that when that time happens I am rich enough to claim the ATTY title in my grave.

A lawyer who defended clients zealously within the bounds of the law.
(and was rich!)

Hayhay. Sigh.
posted by daye at 2:49:00 PM


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