Monday, November 26, 2007
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
The Bottom Line
Start exploring what's out there. Remind yourself that a career change is possible.
In Detail
If amping up you career isn't on the top of your 'to do' list right now, then it should be -- especially today, when your yearning for something more challenging sounds loud and clear. That urge is getting tired of being ignored! So do yourself a favor by checking out a few employment websites. Start exploring what's out there, and what you may want. Remind yourself that change is possible, if you want it badly enough. Night school may be the missing link to what you want.
I am always a fan of horoscopes especially when it jive with what i'm thinking at the moment. Hay. I'm worrying again.
I can expound on this once I have the luxury of time to blog my thoughts.. For now, read between the lines.
Labels: career, nightschool
night school? hmmm...
uy, kahit na jakarta is work-related it sure beats being the glorified bum that i am in the philippines, haha!
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