
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due.
Domitus Ulpian Roman jurist (100 AD - 228 AD)

It was truly a well-deserved appointment for a man like Solicitor General Nachura, who will soon be called Associate Justice Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura of the Supreme Court.

A news that saddened many employees of the OSG, the same feeling the Office of the Chief Presidential Counsel staff felt in April of 2006, the very same feeling of those he left in the House of Representatives, the Department of Education and GSIS. It speaks of his very humble leadership in all those agencies. He is a man you can approach on anything inside the elevator, hallways and most of the time in the "lung center" (smoking area).

A self-made man. An intelligent student who sent himself to school by being the editor in chief of their school organ. One of the topnotchers in the 1970 Bar Examination. He served the government in various capacitiy. A man who never left the academe purposely to create future lawyers who will continue his dreams of justice.

His recent appointment was not a privilege. It is a restatement of the definition of Justice; "GIVING ANYONE HIS DUE."
posted by daye at 4:42:00 PM 2 comments

Friday, January 19, 2007

61st LP Anniversary

Despite the split. I will celebrate the ONLY REASON why I respect Philippine politics...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


posted by daye at 8:58:00 AM 0 comments

Thursday, January 18, 2007


What a delighful dessert after Civil Law Review Exams. :)

My horoscope for today: (January 18, 2007)

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

The Bottom Line
Get ready for unexpected flirtation and generous acts meant to turn your head.

In Detail
Get out your darkest pair of designer shades, because you are about to enter a bright, sunshiny period in your life. Positive energy is all over you, like bees on honey. Life is about to be very sweet. Get ready for unexpected flirtation and generous acts meant to turn your head and get your attention. If you are in the mood for romance, the stars are orchestrating an 'accidental' meeting for you and a very unique person.
posted by daye at 8:38:00 AM 0 comments

Monday, January 15, 2007

guilty of tax evasion

Tax is taxing. - Justice Japar Dimaampao

I second. Last week was really hard reciting two times in Tax subjects. There could be no good performance for daye this semester in recits.

Last week, I declare myself guilty of tax evasion. Have been evading tax readings since the semester started. It seems my mind can't absorb those provisions of the NIRC.

But as a friend puts it in perspective, I can never evade studying TAX. Granting I would graduate this March. I will still take it in the Bar.

Tax is burdensome. And I have to learn loving it.
posted by daye at 1:26:00 PM 0 comments

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I celebrated my birthday yesterday, I’m older. Again. I am most likely to deny my real age years from now. I will probably be afraid of another 12th of January coming my way.

Supposedly, tonight I am obliged to study, prelims week will start on Monday, but I chose to write what I feel. Anyway, I’ve been studying more than half of my life.

Tonight, I am afraid that my opportunity will be gone tomorrow. It will be my first time, on my birthday, that I will celebrate not my day but those days I had with the people I came to know for the past years.

“Its not the years in your life that counts, it’s the life in your years.” And FYI, the following individuals shared a piece of life each day of my life. My gratitude to:

DAD; for your not so concerned philosophy of fatherhood. You’ve made me tougher each day to face my fears and overcome my weakness. Thank you for telling me that I should not dream of becoming the President but instead of being the first lady. I’ve learned my role as a woman, to be behind the success and failure of man. To be the inner force that could make this society gender sensitive.

MOM; for your hugs, kisses and selfless love. Those made me love others as well.

LOLO; for your songs which sent me to Neverland when I’m asleep. For being the first man who made me cry, I realized the second man should be as worthy as you.

LOLA; for the champorado, tinumis, guinatan and suman you’ve made before. They were the best I have tasted my entire life.

BRO and SIS; you’ve made my years worthy sharing with you especially the old school stuff you shared with me in grade school. There could never be a better bro and sis in the world.

TITA SONIA; for making me the only person with two moms.

GIL; for being the second man who made me cry, most of the time with tears of joy.

NOISEMAKERS; for teaching me the vices in life; for introducing san mig, lambanog, Marlboro, “in between” card game and making my college years the worst yet the best time of my life. (nheng,auter,bestnilo,yeye,leann,chel,didong,nej,arnel,emil,garette,fillip,kris and ampons jet and potpot)

BEST NILO; for lending your ears, to listen. For offering your shoulders, to cry on. For simply being my bestfriend.

PUP FRIENDS; for being my ever supporting cronies during my PolSciSoc Presidency. (Mileth, Doris, Grace, Rheamar, Pet, Jay, McNeil, et. al. )

BOSS ELI and MAAM RINA; for extremely believing in my potential. I owe both of you for being so supportive.

LIBERAL PARTY HQ; for being my first workplace, the workplace which is more than a home.

KALIPI Friends; for sharing my idealism. For being the best friends I’ve known so far. (special mention to: Kuya Tops, Rey, Ate Gette, Eric, Donna, Mante, Kuya Rodney)

KUYA JAN; for being my co-conspirator and the most conscientious adviser and mentor.

NYSA, BEVZ, RACHEL, AEI, et. al. ; for fulfilling my dream of becoming an “ATE” (older sister).

REP. ROMAN; for being my first boss in government service.

SOL GEN NACHURA; for giving me the greatest motivation in pursuing my dream of justice, my hope of becoming a lawyer.

‘te Judith, k’pekto, ‘te tina, jayvee, sarge et. al. ; for being behind me in work and fun.
Asec. Malaya ; for making me do things which I think I can’t do.
Dir. Jof ; for being the most charitable boss to shoulder gmik expenses.
Kuya Mel; Atty. JJ and Usec. Uy; for being the backroom people who always cheer me up with encouraging words and promising me the best bar-ops this September.
Juju,k’tom,mangdolphy,mang mar and k’manny; for doing the errands without any sign of complain.
Ate Angie; for being the sweetest and happiest officemate I had.
Nysa; for being my alter-ego each skul day that you have to do some of my work for me. I promise you the most controversial annulment case if ever, pro bono.

LAW SKUL FRIENDS; for making my stay in law school happy and enjoyable. (special mention to: Dale, Nathan, Andrea, Cor, Kri, Tita Mench) ; for being the people who made my life easy in law skul by making a cc: of assigned cases and who kept me awake during review hours by texting (dk, ria, gladys, jorge, caye, dric, sha, et. al.) ; for being my number one critic and fan (a man who must not be named).

PROFESSORS; those whose motivation moved me and those whose discouragement moved me farther.

STUDENTS; for your ears that listens, your minds that absorbs and your teachings I never learned in school. (I will not be making special mention lest I will be charged of favoritism, but I’m sure they know who they are.

THOSE I MISSED TO NAME; for being equally important. It was a pleasure having met you each day of my years. You may have loved me without expectations. You may have hurt me but made me stronger. You may have met me and remained unnoticed ‘til now, whatever is your role in my life, you never became villains.

AND FOR OTHER YEARS TO COME; the LORD ALMIGHTY; for knowing only the best for me. I may have failed Him, but He always understands.
posted by daye at 8:35:00 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I am revived. Envigored. Recharged.

As I woke up this morning, felt like I don't want to leave my bed and set-aside my pillows. I have been used to sleeping from 1am til 9 am for the last three days and it was such a curse that I have to wake up today at 5:30 am because the office resumes today. I can't imagine what more curse I will be receiving if classes starts tomorrow. That means I have to stay up to the wee hours of the morning and be satisfied with three-four hours of sleep. Oh man! I have to find my old body clock.

BUT, the lazy and sloth feeling was gone after I took a cold shower and dressed myself with a red blouse (thanks to doc extee for my Kamiseta blouse) and put some red accessories (courtesy of Donnabeads). I may agree now with Nysa that bright colors this year means bright perspective. Hmmm.

Yesterday, I told you how hopeful I am and today I should say the feeling was doubled.

I am so excited to see my law skul friends. My law professors. My students. And in 17 days..I will be seeing too "my life" (a.k.a. biagko).

I am in high spirits. :)
posted by daye at 5:24:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, January 01, 2007


In 2007 everybody is hopeful and optimistic and probably all would want to forget the dismays of 2006.

I AM AS HOPEFUL AS EVERYONE. My family as well. In 2007, we are expecting to have one LLB graduate who will be taking the bar and a licensed doctor.

The past years have been very kind and generous to our family we have coped up with high commodity prices, gasoline rates and tuition fee hikes. No one ever got sick (at least if there is, colds and flu lang). Everybody was healthy and happy. Last year was also a good year to celebrate Doc Extee's successful licensure exam. It was a good year on my career. And the year ended with my family reunited.

2007 will be my year to make shifts, big decisions and probably to slow down. 2007 will be my defining year. It will be another bridge to cross to attain my purpose. So help me God.
posted by daye at 5:38:00 PM 0 comments