
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

COMPLAINT for the Plaintiff

I am quite stressed with the case I am studying now. Well, legal works are always stressful as a rule, unless you are the party-in-interest.

I dislike the fact that our office internet connection have these “not work related” blocking and security firewall. I can’t read Extee’s message on Friendster.

I am trapped with charity works.

Dad, the President of “Kakulitan Corporation” is kept on bothering my work with his vain inquiries and legal consultations pro bono.

I want to start writing my article on “Cheating BFs and Husbands” but time won’t permit. So friends, please bear with me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

My former students now job-hunters are putting my name as character reference and those call-center agencies are calling me at the wee hours of the morning like 1:30am-2:00am.

My Boracay plan was discarded due to an impending eye lasik surgery.

I still can’t find the book “am.bitch.ious” at Powerbooks.

The weather is unpredictable and I still can’t grab a flood-proof shoe.

I cannot decide: “To stay or not.” “To pursue or to postpone.” “To study or to teach.” “To agree or to dissent.” (Hmmm, the issues at the moment are still privileged.)

WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing circumstances, I most respectfully pray for some peace of mind and for such other reliefs as may be deemed just, proper and equitable.

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posted by daye at 4:20:00 PM 2 comments

Friday, May 16, 2008

Dilemma of a Bar Passer

I consider myself fortunate. I was able to surpass the bar exam which I barely believed I can pass. Yeah, I have doubted myself in conquering that battle.

God was so good that He shielded me from another year of moral deflation in reviewing again for a second take. He spared me from the feeling of depression and misery of hurdling again one of the most difficult licensure examinations. He showed me that miracles do happen. I passed the bar exam on first attempt and I am grateful for that.

I distrust myself last September when I took the examinations, I know in fact that I am half-baked considering that I half-paid attention to law schooling by doing it half-hearted as I teach and work full-time. My studying was less than of a part-time hobby. My dilemma then was “Will I pass the exam when I know that I am not prepared?” (at least compared to the preparations of other bar examinees who dedicated four long years just studying.)

Graduating with an LLB degree was a dilemma.
Reviewing for the bar exam was a greater dilemma.
Taking the bar exam and passing it, I thought was the greatest dilemma.

Now, I am confronted by the ultimate dilemma of all. “What to do after I passed the bar exam?”

Now, I am facing a career crisis. Worst! I am beholden not to plan for a personal career, until when? I don’t know.

Can life be easier to me? After all, it will kill me someday. I am just hopeful that when that time happens I am rich enough to claim the ATTY title in my grave.

A lawyer who defended clients zealously within the bounds of the law.
(and was rich!)

Hayhay. Sigh.
posted by daye at 2:49:00 PM 0 comments

Thursday, May 15, 2008

until when?

I am DEMORALIZED. Hayhay.Sigh.
posted by daye at 4:31:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, May 12, 2008

IV-LOVE + Yeye; A Decade After

We rock!
After ten (10) years we had a mini reunion less those friends who are already abroad and those with new priorities like a newly started family.

It seems nothing has changed since 1998, only now that Kris, Dennis and Francis were Engrs., Leann and Shiela were Bankers. Nej and Jeanne were already team supervisors, Yeye is a university Instructor and a fulfilled mother and wife, Tabel is a Vet Doctor, Nayds is an IT professional and getting married, Me is a lawyer. But regardless of our our profession, we maintained the bonding. Hmmmm... those with the prophecy that we will not be the same team after we graduate from high school has made the most erroneous prophecy ever!

The said mini reunion was held at Johneva Resort, San Narciso, Zambales. May 10-11, 2008.

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posted by daye at 1:04:00 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My Life and Love

"When we meet someone and fall in love,we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. I saw this happen today as the sun rises. Your voice was music to my ears and the breathe I hear from you was kisses touching my cheeks and the picture of your warm smile was a morning hug...And finally you said "I love you", there is nothing of sadness left of me! How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes brought happiness to my entire day? Life moves very fast..Loving you moves it faster."
posted by daye at 12:55:00 PM 0 comments

Saturday, May 03, 2008

It's Official: I am now a Lawyer!

Yesterday, I took the final act to become a lawyer, I signed the Roll of Attorneys. Hmmm, I am the 55,292th lawyer to sign the roll. :D

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posted by daye at 1:18:00 PM 1 comments